Thanks for the helpers in my life! #TurkeyThanks Gratitude Challenge Day 3!
Volunteers collecting food for Island Harvest at Stop & Shop Today's Gratitude Challenge is to be thankful for the helpers in our lives! Think about the people that have helped you or someone else. Take this space to thank them for making a difference in your life or the lives of others. We all have a need to help someone if given the opportunity. Yesterday these are the people that were my helpers! Thanks to these beautiful volunteers for collecting food for Island Harvest. These smiling girls greeted me at Stop and Shop yesterday. I was happy they gave me the opportunity to do something kind. I bought several items to donate with hopes of feeding hungry families in need on Long Island. Thanks to my daughter Becky who helped me peel potatoes while I was cooking a beef stew in the crockpot. This hearty meal sustained us on this cold, windy, fall day! Thanks to the stranger who held the door open for me at Dunkin Donuts. Small kindnesses from strangers always mak...