Thankful to encourage a new blogger, my daughter Becky: Enjoy her post: Top Ten Books My Mom Thinks You Should Read!

My daughter the blogger of Book to the Becky My daughter Becky started her own blog this year and in honor of Mother's Day asked me to co-write a blog post: Top Ten Books My Mom Thinks You Should Read on her great blog Book to the Becky Her blog is dedicated to all the books she loves to read. I am thankful that I have encouraged her to become an avid reader. I still love reading and learning from books. Is there anything better than a good book, a cup of tea and soaking in the tub? I love reading a wide variety of books: fiction, non-fiction, biographys, memoirs, fantasy, summer escape, philosophy, self-help. I also love discussing great books with people. I have enjoyed being in book clubs and sharing ideas with my friends and family. Thanks for clicking on the link and enjoying our mother/daughter guest post and enjoying my favorite book's list. What is a book that your thankful for? Summer is almost here and I love getting recommendations for book...