
Sharing thanks for a magic Monday

Wildflowers in the garden, April 2, 2012 I was surprised to see these yellow wildflowers adorning my Mom's beautiful garden. I enjoy the beauty of flowers and I must admit that I sort of have a black thumb. I admire people who are tender gardeners. It was a beautiful Spring day out today. I'm changing my mantra to magic Mondays instead of manic Mondays. Today was a busy day and had some magical moments. Plenty of reasons to share my thanks for today. 1) I am thankful for my friends Sejal and Mo. We all got to have lunch together today. It was so much fun being able to share lunch, laughs and great conversation on this quiet Monday. I even got to take advantage of Bertucci's $10 large pizza deal with they offer on Mondays and Tuesdays. 2) I was thankful to be able to talk to Becky today. She was upset that her glasses broke. I've reached a point in my life where I try to not sweat the small stuff. Broken glasses can be replaced. Happy I'm going to get to celebr

Sharing thanks for April Fools and a great Petroushka Concert

Vibrant purple petunias from Hick's Flower show It's April Fools day. The original punk'd. This day is known for playing tricks, although on April Fools day I think about my father-in-law. His birthday was April 1st and he was a wonderful, kind family man. He loved to garden and would love today's flower shot. It's been a busy weekend, lots of reasons to be thankful. 1) Thanks to the South Shore Symphony and Leggs Limited dance and guest dancers for putting on a first class production of Petroushka last night at the Madison Theater at Molloy college. It is such a privilege to play violin for the South Shore Symphony. 2) Thanks to my fans, Spencer, Stella and Jeff who came to see the show! It is great to have close friends and family in the audience. 3) I am thankful that my parents are having a wonderful time in Costa Rica. My brother posted some pictures of them today. It was fun to see them enjoying themselves in such a tropical setting! 4) I am thankful

Sharing thanks for dancing to my own music.

Spring dancer at the Hick's Flower Show, March 2012 Spring just makes you want to dance! The energy of all the trees and flowers starting to bloom. I loved the fun attitude of this sculpture that I saw at the flower show. I am also enjoying listening to the sounds of spring. Birds chirping in the morning as the sun streams in my window. Here is what made my soul dance today. 1) Thanks to my friend Stella who I met for another belly dancing class. It is so much fun to twirl around with a scarf and use the finger cymbals. Stella and I often get a fit of the giggles during the class. The rhythm of the music is hypnotizing. 2) Thanks to the beautiful crescent moon out tonight. One of the great things about walking your dog is I get to enjoy the night sky. Tonight's night sky features a sliver of crescent moon, beautiful stars and some mysterious clouds. 3) Thanks for the joy of playing fetch with Oreo today. She has been enjoying chasing tennis balls in the backyard. 4)

Sharing thanks for new growth and wonderful comments

Trees in Bloom, March 28, 2012 The weather changed several times today. Woke up to partial cloudy skies, thought it was going to be sunny and then it rained when we took the dogs out for a walk. Later in the afternoon the skies cleared and it was warm and sunny, and now while I am typing this blog it is raining again. You may be reading this saying where is she going with this? Life is constantly changing. We all want some stability and the reality is we need to get comfortable with change, embrace change, and remember that it can lead to tremendous growth! Spring is about renewal, that you plant a seed, nurture it and watch it grow. I have been enjoying sharing pictures of new buds bursting on the blog! Here is what I was thankful for today! 1) I was thankful to get Amy's wonderful comment. She shared some wonderful moments to be grateful for. I love when blog readers comment and add what they are thankful for. Sharing appreciation multiplies good feelings. This is what shari

Sharing thanks for inner peace and friendship

Garden Buddha taken at Hick's Flower Show I am very drawn to eastern philosophy and the idea that we are all connected. I loved this garden Buddha that I saw at the Hick's Flower Show. It looked like such a serene place to meditate. Spring has sprung, although we have returned to normal temperatures of 50s around here. Just sitting outside among the beauty of Spring flowers creates a moment of peace during a hectic day. Here is what I was thankful for today. 1) I was thankful that I could be a good listener for my good friend Liz. It is so good to be able to talk and share feelings with kindred spirits. I am hoping that my listening skills brought her some inner peace from the frustration she is feeling. 2) I was thankful to meet a new violin student today. I can tell my student practices and I am looking forward to working with her to improve her skills and help her become a great violinist. 3) I am thankful to play with the South Shore Symphony. I am looking forward t

Sharing thanks for circus days

Oreo with her frisbee My Oreo dog could be a circus dog! I'm still working on teaching her to catch a frisbee. My sharing thanks are dedicated to enjoying some family fun! My grandmother Harriet used to love the circus, and her dream was to be one of the glamorous girls that ride the elephants. We took my parents for their birthdays to see the latest Ringling Barnum and Baily "Dragons" circus last night. Here are my thanks for today. 1) Thanks to the box office ticket man who sold us great seats for the circus. My daughter is hearing impaired and they gave us some seats with a wall behind us which helps her hear less background noise. He also gave us an aisle seat which made it easier for my mom who has had a knee replacement sit more comfortably. 2) Thanks to the joy I had watching cats perform! I mean real domesticated adorable cats. I have seen many dog acts and this was the first time I ever saw cats perform and they were great! 3) Thanks for the "Dragon&

Sharing thanks for my new button designed by Liz!

New Sharing Thanks Button designed by Liz Davidson I've only been blogging for a few months and have read that it is important to have a button so people can use it to link to your site. I want to thank my fellow mom bloggers for providing instruction on how to make a button. I hope I did it correctly. I'm so thankful for my daughter Liz who made the pretty design for me. It is another beautiful day hear. This gorgeous weather just puts a smile on your face! Here is what I was thankful for today. 1) I am thankful for sharing a nice walk with my Mom. We took Oreo to Hempstead Lakestate Park for a walk around the reservoir. The water was glistening and we even saw a pair of swans. Such a beautiful day to get outside and enjoy nature and great conversation. 2) I am thankful for the beautiful button my daughter Liz made for me. She enjoys reading my blog and it has helped her look for small moments of joy. She got a kick out of our cat hanging out in the daffodils and quickl