Sharing thanks for circus days

Oreo with her frisbee

My Oreo dog could be a circus dog! I'm still working on teaching her to catch a frisbee. My sharing thanks are dedicated to enjoying some family fun! My grandmother Harriet used to love the circus, and her dream was to be one of the glamorous girls that ride the elephants. We took my parents for their birthdays to see the latest Ringling Barnum and Baily "Dragons" circus last night. Here are my thanks for today.

1) Thanks to the box office ticket man who sold us great seats for the circus. My daughter is hearing impaired and they gave us some seats with a wall behind us which helps her hear less background noise. He also gave us an aisle seat which made it easier for my mom who has had a knee replacement sit more comfortably.

2) Thanks to the joy I had watching cats perform! I mean real domesticated adorable cats. I have seen many dog acts and this was the first time I ever saw cats perform and they were great!

3) Thanks for the "Dragon" themed circus. I loved the acrobats, the hip clowns, the flying trapeze. Where else can you see motorcycles on high wires? The new circus production was very entertaining and fast paced.

4) I am thankful to be able to spend quality time with my family. It was great to see everyone laughing and enjoying the circus. It was a great way to celebrate my parents birthday. I also cooked a home made roast beef dinner before the show.

I invite you to share a circus memory that brought you joy!


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