
Sharing thanks can increase happiness

Eisenhower Park Sky, January 2012 I just finished reading, "Happy, Simple Steps to Get the Most Out of Life" by Ian K. Smith, M.D.. Its a quick read and has many helpful practical tips to being happier. In his book he reports research done by psychologists led by Martin Seligman showed that recognizing the good that happens in your day can boost your levels of happiness. In the study the exercise that had subjects list three things that went well each day while identifying why those three things went well showed the greatest results in decreasing depressive symptoms and increasing happiness for six months. Since I started this gratitude blog, I am able to focus on the good. In addition I feel it helps me cope with problems with a more positive attitude. This is a simple thing that everyone can do that really does improve the quality of your life. Saw some sun burst through the clouds today for a little while. Here is what I am thankful for today. 1) Thanks to the kind

Sharing thanks on Sunday

Cyclamen from Hick's Nurseries, January 2012 I love this flower it reminds me of the center pieces of my wedding. Pretty flowers can really brighten up the house on a cold winter day. Sometimes good things can come out of something bad. My daughter's Facebook account was hacked this weekend. I am so proud of her for focusing on the people who are supporting her. Here are my thanks for today. 1) Thanks for my violin student today who was very forgiving when I was running a few minutes late today. I pride myself on being on time, and I apologized sincerely for keeping them waiting. It was refreshing to be treated with kindness and forgiveness. 2) Thanks to my friend Gerry who called me this morning to see how Liz was doing. I really appreciated her concern and friendship. I am so happy the Liz is friends with Christina. They are such a nice family. 3) Thanks to Becky who has been really supportive and helpful in sorting the out. 4) Thanks to my friend Stella, and my sis

Sharing thanks for good friends

It was nice to see a little snow today. I am so thankful that I have good friends who support me when trouble knocks at my door. 1) Thanks to the Gera family for helping us sort through a sticky situation due to someone hacking a facebook account. It is so wonderful to have friends who will help you solve a problem. 2) Thanks to my daughter Becky for also defending her sister. 3) Thanks to Christina who is a true friend for my daughter Liz. 4) Thanks to a total stranger who held the door for me today at Dunkin Donuts. Tomorrow is a new day.

Sharing thanks for a rosy day

Roses at Micheals, January 2012 So many reasons to be thankful for today. Got home late tonite so my blog will be on the short side. It is never too late to be thankful. 1) Thankful for my husband who is a hard worker and got his bonus letter today. 2) Thankful that my daughter Becky texted me this morning. It is always great to hear from her when she is away from college. 3) I was thankful to have a little solitude today. Enjoyed going to see, "The Descendents." I am a George Clooney fan and he puts in a tremendous thoughtful performance. I also loved the actresses who played his daughters in the movie, they were very believable. 4) Thankful that Liz was able to manage well at school today and got to enjoy a party tonight.

Sharing thanks for good medical care

White tree lights at Rockefeller Center January, 2012 After the excitement of Jimmy Fallon and NYC lights we had a different kind of excitement this morning. My daughter Liz twisted her ankle coming down the stairs! Although today was not the easiest of days I do have a lot to be thankful for. 1) Thanks to Liz's Pediatrician who saw her right after her fall and made arrangements for Liz to be seen at the orthopedist in a few hours. It is so nice not to have to go the emergency room. 2) Thanks to Brin, who went and gave Liz is a big hug while she was waiting to find out news about her ankle. 3) Thanks to Dr. Zarat, who told us that she did not break her ankle but suffered a bad sprain. He prescribed a boot that she can walk on so she will not have to be on crutches. 4) Thanks to my older daughter Becky who called me tonight. It was so nice to catch up and hear her beautiful voice. She loves all of her classes this semester! I invite everyone to leave something they are

Sharing thanks for Late Night Jimmy Fallon

Me wearing my Late Night Jimmy Fallon taping wristband, January 18, 2012 I had a lot of fun today doing something completely different. I do love New York City and always enjoy the energy of being in Manhattan. I do not prewrite any portion of my blog. My thanks are a slice of the highlights of my day. I try to be authentic on how I am feeling about the day. Being positive has uplifted the quality of my days. Here are my thanks for today! 1) Thanks to Kavita who got the tickets for Late Night Jimmy Fallon! Kavita is amazing! 2) Thanks to Monesha who was very brave and tried out at the Jimmy Fallon taping to be in "Battle of the Instant Bands." I'm so proud of her for taking a risk, and being brave to sing for the segment producer. Way to go Monesha. 3) I am thankful to the traffic Gods. We hit no traffic going to and from NYC today. This is a miracle on the LIE. If you live on Long Island you know what I am talking about. 4) Thanks to Jimmy Fallon and Bill Cosb

Sharing thanks on a rainy Tuesday

Heart Teddy Bears I saw browsing at Michaels, January 17, 2011 Yes, I was thankful that it was raining instead of freezing rain this morning! Today was a busy and productive day. One of the things that I have noticed since I have been keeping the gratitude blog is how many people have gone out of their way to help me. I feel truly blessed when someone lends me a helping hand or is kind to me and my family. This makes me feel how interconnected we are too each other. Here are my thanks for today. 1) Thanks to Mr. Palmer, my daughter's guidance counselor, who made time for us today. He is a good listener and is willing to help Liz to succeed in high school. 2) Thanks to Mr. C who emailed me back quickly to help get Liz into the right math class. 3) I was thankful to have some time to browse at Michaels today with Liz who was looking for some materials for an extra credit History project. It was great to see Liz dive in enthusiastically to do her homework. I enjoyed looking at