Sharing thanks can increase happiness

Eisenhower Park Sky, January 2012

I just finished reading, "Happy, Simple Steps to Get the Most Out of Life" by Ian K. Smith, M.D.. Its a quick read and has many helpful practical tips to being happier. In his book he reports research done by psychologists led by Martin Seligman showed that recognizing the good that happens in your day can boost your levels of happiness. In the study the exercise that had subjects list three things that went well each day while identifying why those three things went well showed the greatest results in decreasing depressive symptoms and increasing happiness for six months. Since I started this gratitude blog, I am able to focus on the good. In addition I feel it helps me cope with problems with a more positive attitude. This is a simple thing that everyone can do that really does improve the quality of your life.

Saw some sun burst through the clouds today for a little while. Here is what I am thankful for today.

1) Thanks to the kindness of strangers. A Target manager was so friendly today, she stopped and talked to my daughter Liz, who is walking around in an orthopedic boot due to a sprained ankle.

2) Thanks for good friends. Had a nice chat on the phone with my friend Liz. It was also great seeing her at orchestra rehearsal tonight. Liz and I met in middle school, and enjoy playing music together.

3) Thanks to Dr. Hammerman who was nice to reschedule an appointment today. It really is helpful when people are flexible and caring.

4) Thanks to my husband Spencer, who let me sleep late and moved my car this morning without waking me up. It's the little kindnesses that are greatly appreciated.

If you are reading the blog. List something that well for you today.


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