
Sharing thanks for vacation in California

Ventura Beach at the magic hour just before sunset Just got back from vacation in California! So many reasons to be thankful to report. I was lucky to have a week off to relax and enjoy the beautiful California coastline. I'll be sharing what I was thankful for on my trip all week on my blog. One of things I have noticed about having an attitude of gratitude, is that the universe provides me with more niceties to be grateful for. On my flight out to Los Angeles we met a nice youth group that was starting their journey on a community service trip. The young man sitting next to us, found a seat closer to his friends and that left us with an empty middle seat for our flight. It is wonderful to have some extra room on the flight! I am grateful for safe travels! I get pretty religious when I am flying especially during takeoff and landing. I was happy to have good traveling weather both ways on my trip. Thanks to the pilots who provided with a smooth ride with a limited amount of

Sharing thanks for a beautiful summer day at the pool

My daughters and our guests from Pittsburgh at 30 Rock It's been a busy few days. It was wonderful to host my daughter Becky's room mate from college and her sister and get to show them the big apple! Our small NYC tour included Times Square, Rockefeller Center and dinner at Ellen's Stardust Diner! I must admit I have been enjoying getting into the relaxing rhythm of summer. There are so many great moments to be thankful for today! I am grateful for my good friends! Thanks to Stella who hosted a pool party on this top ten weather day. It was wonderful to cool off and take a swim! I loved seeing Stella and Margaret and all of our kids having a great time together. Thanks to the friendly pharmacist who helped get my prescriptions filled today. Thanks to my husband Spencer who woke up early to take our guests to make their early morning bus back to Pittsburgh. We had so much fun having them stay with us a few days and wish them a safe journey back. Thanks to Jessica

Sharing thanks for air conditioning

Air conditioned summer flowers at Michaels It's been in the 90s here on Long Island the past few days. We've had some of those  hot sticky humid days. Great days to go grocery shopping in the frozen food section to cool off! Summer is officially here. Here is what I am thankful for. I am grateful my husband Spencer for installing the air conditioner in our bedroom. So nice to get a cool nights sleep. I am thankful that my daughter Becky is feeling better. She had a horrible stomach bug or food poisoning Monday night.  I am thankful for my mom who picked Becky up from work yesterday. I had a hectic day and we are suffering from having four drivers and two cars.  I am thankful to Cathy and Amanda who helped Liz pick out some great outfits for her to wear for the LA acting competition! Liz was happy that her clothing check went well. I am thankful for the store Dots! They have great clothes in a variety of sizes which made shopping for Liz a fun experience. I invite yo

Sharing thanks for long summer days!

Sunset at Home Depot The summer solstice is approaching. Only 2 more days until the longest day of the year. Today was a top ten day on Long Island. Beautiful sunshine, cool breezes and still light out at 8:00 pm. I took this picture outside of Home Depot tonight. Here is what I was thankful for. I am thankful for Monesha, who was my daughter's personal fashion consultant today. Mo helped Liz pick out some nice outfits for her acting competition! Mo has so much style! I was thankful for having lunch with my friend Sejal to celebrate her birthday. We went to the Cheesecake Factory and had the awesome Chicken Chipotle Pasta. It was delicious and I decided to not look at the calorie count, and just enjoy the wonderful flavors and conversation. I am thankful for the beautiful day and pretty sunset I saw from the Home Depot parking lot. I enjoy cloud and sky watching. I love finding some beauty even if its in a parking lot. I was thankful for having a nice conversation with my

Sharing thanks for father's day

Happy Father's Day ! Found this special I love you dad written in Stone at Target Beach We've had a wonderful family day celebrating father's day today. My kids helped make a steak and egg breakfast which we ate together outside on the patio! Then we went out to see a minor leg baseball game with my mom and dad and our family. It was fun singing, "Take me out to the ballgame." We all enjoyed the beautiful sunshine, the famous hot dog race and rooting for the Ducks who were losing! Today's Sharing Thanks is dedicated to our dads. Thanks to the readers who posted beautiful tributes to their dads. SKautz wrote, "I am thankful for my Dad for several reasons. He had a lot of issues when we (6kids) were growing up. I guess he he a lot of growing up to do himself. He always could make us laugh(I guess thats why nobody could stay angry at him!)I have to give him credit for my sense of humor in even the darkest times. My Dad never needed a lot to be

Sharing thanks showing patriotism

Corvette for Flag Day Yesterday was flag day. I happened to be driving by my kids old elementary school as the latest kindergarten class was putting on the annual flag day performance. It brought back many memories of when my kids were waving flags, dressed in red white and blue, belting out, "It's a Grand Old Flag." Today I spotted this awesome corvette during my travels. So happy I was able to get a picture of this patriotic car. This may be the ultimate American Corvette! Here is what I was thankful for. I was thankful to see the Kindergarteners in front of my daughters' old elementary school. The parents and grandparents watching the show were all decked out in red, white and blue! Nice to see so many of our neighbors proudly displaying their flags. I was thankful to see this amazing flag corvette! So thankful to have a nice steak dinner with my 2 daughters. We had some wonderful conversations and it is nice to see them getting along and enjoying spending

Sharing thanks for Dads!

Message to dad found at the end of the Target Rock Beach I was able to hike the Target Rock Beach trail with friends a few weeks ago. When we arrived to the end of the trail, we found this amazing message left for a very special Dad. Seeing this love message made may day. What a wonderful simple idea to honor a dad. No greeting card could ever match the emotion of finding the loving message made of stones found on the beach. Since Fathers day is on Sunday I invite all my blog readers to share why they are thankful for their dads! I will feature these messages on Father's Day! Here is what I was thankful for yesterday. I was thankful to Shannon who came over to help Liz prepare for her US History regents. Thanks for being a study buddy for Liz. Shannon is passionate about history and is also a very creative artistic and kind person! Thanks to my Mom and Day who gave my daughter Becky a ride home from work.  Thanks to my good friend Stella! We enjoyed having a cup of tea. A