Sharing thanks for a beautiful summer day at the pool

My daughters and our guests from Pittsburgh at 30 Rock
It's been a busy few days. It was wonderful to host my daughter Becky's room mate from college and her sister and get to show them the big apple! Our small NYC tour included Times Square, Rockefeller Center and dinner at Ellen's Stardust Diner! I must admit I have been enjoying getting into the relaxing rhythm of summer. There are so many great moments to be thankful for today!

  1. I am grateful for my good friends! Thanks to Stella who hosted a pool party on this top ten weather day. It was wonderful to cool off and take a swim! I loved seeing Stella and Margaret and all of our kids having a great time together.
  2. Thanks to the friendly pharmacist who helped get my prescriptions filled today.
  3. Thanks to my husband Spencer who woke up early to take our guests to make their early morning bus back to Pittsburgh. We had so much fun having them stay with us a few days and wish them a safe journey back.
  4. Thanks to Jessica for coming over yesterday for a visit. It was so great to catch up with her. She is a dear neighbor who moved two years ago. She was part of our daily running bases and kickball gang that used to play on our front lawn. All of the kids are teens and some are even driving now. It was wonderful to see her and see what a terrific young lady she has become.
I invite you to share a summer experience that you are thankful for. 


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