Sharing thanks for air conditioning

Air conditioned summer flowers at Michaels
It's been in the 90s here on Long Island the past few days. We've had some of those  hot sticky humid days. Great days to go grocery shopping in the frozen food section to cool off! Summer is officially here. Here is what I am thankful for.

  1. I am grateful my husband Spencer for installing the air conditioner in our bedroom. So nice to get a cool nights sleep.
  2. I am thankful that my daughter Becky is feeling better. She had a horrible stomach bug or food poisoning Monday night. 
  3. I am thankful for my mom who picked Becky up from work yesterday. I had a hectic day and we are suffering from having four drivers and two cars. 
  4. I am thankful to Cathy and Amanda who helped Liz pick out some great outfits for her to wear for the LA acting competition! Liz was happy that her clothing check went well. I am thankful for the store Dots! They have great clothes in a variety of sizes which made shopping for Liz a fun experience.
I invite you to share something you appreciated that brought you joy on a summer day in the comments. I love reading your comments! It really adds to the blog and is what sharing thanks is all about.


  1. I'm thankful for the nice lunch I just had with an old friend.


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