Sharing thanks for a new school year!

Who doesn't love a sock monkey!
Today my daughter Liz started her senior year of high school. My older daughter Becky is a junior at University of Pitt. I wish them both a good year of learning. I enjoyed a relaxing labor day weekend and today feels like a new beginning. Liz and I had lunch at Mama T's and she was thankful to get this adorable sock monkey from my good friend Sejal. Liz had made a film with a sock monkey over the summer which I posted in July. Here is what I am thankful for.
  1. Thinking of the citizens of Costa Rico. I was very thankful to reach my brother Stephen today after hearing about a big earthquake in Costa Rico. Thanks to electronic media I was happy to hear from him right away. Glad your safe! 
  2. Grateful for a nice start to school for Liz. She looked pretty on her first day as a senior.
  3. Thanks to the few customers who came and bought a few items at our garage sale on Sunday. We had a garage sale which was a great way to try to find new homes for items. We made $15 from the sale and then donated the rest to Goodwills industries which has a nice store in our neighborhood. It felt good to donate books and toys and we hope they find a new home where they can be appreciated. This really helped us get organized. It is amazing how much stuff we accumulate that we out grow.
  4. Thankful to have enjoyed seeing some good friends over the labor day weekend. There is nothing better than getting together with good friends to hang out, relax and share stories about our summer adventures.
I am going to try to post my thanks more often. I try to tweet what I am thankful for when I experience a moment to sit back and appreciate a small joy or kindness I have been granted. Please post what you are thankful for in the comments. Since it is back to school weekend it would be nice for you to thank a teacher that you loved!


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