Sharing thanks for creative astronauts and a beautiful crescent moon!

Thankful to see this rendition of David Bowie's Space Oddity by Chris Hadfield on the International Space Station. I came across this on my Twitter account and enjoyed watching so much I wanted to share it with you. I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day filled with love and appreciation. Here is what I thankful for yesterday.
  1. Thanks to my daughter's creativity. I got 2 home made cards from my daughter's yesterday. Whats cool about this is Becky is 21, and Liz is 18. Gifts from the heart always make me smile. Becky drew a picture and is taking me out to lunch. Liz painted me a picture with a heartfelt note.
  2. Saw a beautiful crescent moon last night as we were driving home from my mother-in-laws last night. That glimmer of light is always so breathtakingly beautiful.
  3. Thanks to my sister-in-law Laurie who made a delicious turkey dinner with all of the trimmings for Mother's Day!
  4. Thanks to all my wonderful friends who are also moms who set me beautiful messages on facebook, text, phone and twitter. Love has many ways to be shared~
I invite you to share what you are thankful for! Sharing gratitudes sends a wave of appreciation into the world!


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