
Sharing thanks for a happy birthday!

Homemade card from my daughter Liz, February 9, 2012 Today is my birthday! So many reasons to be thankful for today. I always feel like my birthday gives me a fresh start to dream about my new year and its possibilities. It's hard to just list four things I am thankful for! Here goes: 1) Thanks to my 2 fantastic daughters! My daughter Becky called me to wish me a happy birthday from college. It was great talking to her and hearing about her plans for the upcoming weekend. My daughter Liz and I got to enjoy a late lunch after her school at California Pizza Kitchen. She made me a beautiful homemade card and CPK treated me to a free dessert. 2) Thanks to Kavita, who found this incredible birthday mug for me. I am a violinist and I absolutely love this! 3) Thanks to everyone who called, texted, facebooked me and wished me a happy birthday. It is wonderful to feel special for the day! 4) Thanks for a beautiful sunny winter day and a starry night. The moon is so bright. I had

Sharing thanks for listening and healing

Fishing Pier at Jones Beach State Park, February 7, 2012 Sharing my thanks for yesterday. I fell asleep before I had a chance to blog about what I was thankful for. Amidst the difficulties there are always small moments of joy in everyday. Here were mine from yesterday. 1) I am thankful for my 8th follower to the blog. Welcome! I am also thankful for Anonymous who shared what she or he was thankful for. There is power in writing down what you are thankful for and reflecting on it. Thanks so much for sharing. 2) I was thankful to see a light dusting of snow last night. All the trees were glistening in the moonlight after the small snowfall. I love when it snows how quiet it gets. 3) I am thankful for good friends. Thanks to my friend Sejal who texted me late last night with some information on a rehab center we both visited last year. It may be a good place for my mother-in-law's rehab. She also texted me at 11:59 because she wanted to be the first person to wish me a happy

Sharing thanks for a scenic drive

Liz and Oreo on our Scenic Drive, February 7, 2012 Had a busy day yesterday and fell asleep before I had a chance to blog about what I was thankful for. It's amazing how a scenic drive can soothe your soul. We live 15 minutes away from Jones Beach and Ocean Parkway is a beautiful drive while the sun is setting. 1) Thanks for being able to share a sunset by the water with Liz and Oreo. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. Sunset over the bay off of Ocean Parkway, February 7, 2012 2) Thanks to my friend Stella who came over for a cup of tea and brought her adorable dog Trixie to play with Oreo. 3) Thanks to Ellyn who made time available to help my daughter process the hurt she was feeling from her facebook hack. 4) I was so thankful to hear Liz tell me that she said, "I love you" to her dad. I'm happy that they are on the road to having a better relationship. If you are reading my blog please share something that you are thankful for in the comm

Sharing thanks for keeping calm

Heart Daisy from Michaels I am thankful for this sunny Monday February Day. Last night the temperature dropped quickly and my check air tire pressure light went on. I did pull over to see if I had a flat and luckily it was just the temperature that caused the change in air pressure. I am not great at figuring out how to fill the tires to get the right air pressure. I am always happy when auto savvy people are there to lend a helping hand. Here are my thanks for today. 1) Thanks to the attendant at the Getty gas station I go to. He saw me struggling with the air machine and came over to lend a helping hand. So nice to drive away and see the air pressure light go off. 2) Thanks for a beautiful drive to Jones Beach. Love to look at the bay while I am driving. My daughter Liz loves to take this drive, especially when the sun is setting on a nice day. 3) Thanks to my orchestra. After a stressful day it was great to play Appalachian Spring and let the music soothe my soul. This piec

Sharing thanks for a great Superbowl, Go Giants!

Wall of album covers at TGIF's, February 5, 2012 Had a nice lunch at TGIF's with my daughter Liz today. They had an entire wall decorated with old album covers. I thought this would be a great decorating idea! When I was looking at the wall I realized I owned a lot of the covers they had: The Sting with Scot Joplin's Rags, Carly Simon's Hotcakes, Herb Albert, Tom Jones. Just got home from a small Superbowl party at my sister-in-laws. Here are my thanks for today. 1) Congratulations to the New York Giants on their Superbowl win tonight. It was an exciting fun game to watch, both teams played their hearts out. 2) It was fun watching the Superbowl with my husband and his family. We loved seeing Madonna put on a great halftime show. Love her message of World Peace and the "Like a Prayer" finale. 3) Enjoyed spending some time with my daughter Liz this afternoon. We had a nice lunch at TGIF's. Thanks to my coupon organizer I was able to use a $5.00 off c

Sharing thanks for beauty in unexpected places and random acts of kindness

Purple Glitter Lamp at Singa's Pizza, February 4,2012 I got home late last night so decided to post my thanks for yesterday this morning. I had a full day and got a chance to spend time with a variety of friends and family. There is nothing like getting together over a cup of tea with a good friend. I have been enjoying taking pictures, and capturing small shots of beauty in unlikely places. I have always been hypnotized by lava lamps so this purple lava lamp caught my attention at Singa's Pizza. Singa's pizza is a place my friend Sejal recommended and we enjoy meeting for lunch there, before shopping at Patel brothers, a cool Indian grocery store in Hicksville. Here is what I was thankful for yesterday. 1) I was the receiver of random act of kindness! My friend Sejal and I were having lunch at Singa's pizza yesterday. I enjoyed hearing about her first full week of work. When we went to pay the check, the cashier said that somebody paid our bill for us! What a wonde

Sharing thanks for serendipity and the power of kind words

Sunset in February in Target Parking Lot Do you ever feel like you are at the right place at the right time to offer a stranger some information that is helpful and comforting. I had this experience today while I was visiting my mother-in-law in the hospital. I am the type of person who loves to strike up conversations with people that cross my path. I was in the parking garage taking the elevator down and a gentleman who was from out of state needed assistance finding the lobby. He seemed shaken up, he was going to visit his brother who was having emergency bypass surgery. I was thankful that I could show him how to get to the hospital lobby and told him about my Dad's bypass surgery that was done at this hospital successfully almost 7 years ago. The man was so appreciative for a kind ear and help. Here are my thanks for today which was filled with a little serendipity. 1) So thankful for my daughter Becky who brightened my mother-in-law's day with a phone call. My mother