Sharing Thanks on Thanksgiving Eve

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. The rain has subsided and it is a cool brisk night out with some remnant clouds swirling above. Wishing everyone a wonderful thanksgiving with horns of plenty, sharing meals with family and close friends. I love watching the Macy's day parade and having a bagel breakfast! Here are my thanks for today.

1) Thanks to my friend Ellyn who emailed me today and helped me see the value of sharing thanks. I think you may be lucky enough to read some of her posts soon.

2) My daughter Becky came home from college last night. Enjoyed some nice family time today. Lunch at Bertucci's with Becky and my husband who took off from work today.

3) Thanks for Blokus! Our family of four enjoyed playing a few games of Blokus! It's a great game that easy to learn and challenging.

4) Thanks to the kind redcross people who helped my daughter Liz who donated blood for the first time today. She was so proud she could help someone by donating blood.

I am thankful for having a good family and wonderful friends. I have been blogging sharing thanks for the past week and it has helped my focus on the positive moments of the day. We all have difficulties in life and it is our attitude that can help us become good problem solvers. Even with these difficulties life offers us many simple joyful moments to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


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