Sharing thanks for April Showers

Love these purple flowers gracing the neighborhood, April 2012

I feel like I have moved to southern California. We have been having lots of glorious sunshine and I can not remember the last time it rained. Here are my thanks for yesterday.
  1. I am thankful for the rain! The may flowers are here early and it was good to see some April Showers. There have been brush fires in the past week. Hoping the rain will nourish the earth.
  2. Thankful to feel the warm spring rain on my face. Sometimes it is fun to feel the drops on your face. I must admit I loved jumping in puddles when I was a kid!
  3. Thankful to see my daughter Liz return to the gym for a workout!
  4. Thankful for getting a beautiful thank you note from my friend Ellen in the mail. It is wonderful to get a magical handwritten note of appreciation. It made my day. I will be honest I love mail that is not an advertisement or a bill. If someone does something nice for  you, make their day and send them a thank you note in the mail.
I invite you to share something in nature that you are thankful for. I loved seeing the purple flowers in my picture! I love reading your thanks in the comments, it truly makes my day as a novice blogger.


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