Sharing thanks for creative crafts

Pretty Pastel Colored Flowers
It is joyful to walk outside and enjoy the beautiful Spring weather. Yesterday was the first day of Spring Break. One of the most important lessons that I have learned in music and life are that rests are important. It's that small breathing space that can make a melody sing. It is great to be able to relax, sleep in and take a breather. Here is what I was thankful for yesterday.

Melted crayon artwork to stop bullying, by Liz Davidson
  1. Thanks for creative expression! My daughter Liz had a friend over last night and they experimented with melting crayons to create some really cool pieces of art. Art can really help you get out your emotions. Liz was cyber-bullied by someone who hacked her facebook and posted messages of hate.  It was great to see Liz and Kavita enjoy making colorful masterpieces by hot glueing crayons to poster board and melting them safely with a blow dryer.
  2. Thanks to YouTube! I am amazed on what kids look up to learn using YouTube. Liz and Kavita watched a video on how to melt crayons to create art. My mom was an art teacher, so I do have a lot of art and crafting supplies at home. This crayon project was a great way to have some fun with some old crayons we had.
  3. Thanks for a delicious lunch at The Cheesecake Factory. I love the chicken chipotle pasta. It is amazing! Had a nice mother daughter lunch with Sejal and Kavita.
  4. Thanks to Kavita and Liz who cooked me dinner last night. They made chicken parm with pasta and it was buono! I love when kids enjoy learning the art of cooking. My mom always says, "If you can read, you can cook!" I have heard myself repeat this mantra to my daughters.
I invite you to share a creative experience that you have had that you are thankful for in the comments. I love reading the thanks you share.


  1. I love Liz' melted crayon artwork. It is truly meaningful.

    1. Thanks for your kind comment. I will show it to my daughter. Her artwork is very emotional and she wants to help stop cyber bullying.


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