That's so random thanks

I have had a busy day today. For my blog I share my thanks at the end of the day. Sometimes events allow me to frame my thanks around a specific idea and sometimes my thanks are about totally random unrelated events. It has been a random day today! It is nice when the universe bestows so many kindnesses.

1) Thanks to my daughter's ENT's secretary who was able to give us a same day afternoon appointment outside of school hours. My daughter uses a cochlear implant to hear so if she reports ear pain its important to get it checked out.

2) Thanks to my mom who took me out to lunch today at "Famous Daves" for BBQ. We had a great time talking about philosophy. I told my mom about my Sharing Thanks blog and she was so supportive and enthusiastic about this project.

3) Thanks to the Children's Hearing Institute who provide an excellent support program for mainstream hearing impaired elementary and teens. They also have resurrected a parents group. Tonight they had a speaker who spoke about the college admissions process. It was great catching up with other parents and professionals who have helped us out over the years.

4) The sun came out. Thanks to my dog Oreo. I enjoyed a morning walk with the dog and it was so nice to feel the sun warm my face outside. Sometimes it is the simple daily tasks that bring us contentment.


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