Sharing thanks for smiles.

Smile chair at Norman Levy Preserve, January 7, 2012

When I was at Norman Levy Preserve yesterday, I took this picture of the smile chair. It is a wooden sculpture in the shape of smile and it sits on top of the hill at Norman Levy Preserve. If you sit in it you have the most gorgeous view of the bay. It also offers philosophy. The chair is inscribed, "Smile, the universe is vast and time is eternal." I am dedicating my post to beautiful smiles today. When you see someone with a bright smile it is hard not to smile yourself.

1) Thanks to my daughter's math tutor Karina. She has a beautiful smile and cheerfully helps my daughter with learning geometry. Her smile is contagious.

2) Thanks to Monesha. We had fun browsing at Barnes and Nobles today. She has a wonderful smile. She just got her braces off a few months ago!

3) Thanks to my daughter Liz who was smiling and laughing trying to cheer up some family friends! She has two dimples, that light up when she smiles.

4) Thanks to the cashier at Stop & Shop. Her smile and happy disposition made it a pleasure to check out at the grocery store.


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